Tires & Wheels
Why is Tire and Wheel Servicing necessary for Your Car?
Tire and wheel servicing is crucial for maintaining safety, perf:noance, and fuel efficiency. Over time, tires can wear down unevenly, leading to decreased trarm:sc and handling sc the road. Routine servicing, including tire rotat:scs, at_rnments, and pressure checks, helps to ensure even wear and optimal perf:noance. Addim:scally, properly maintained wheels and tires cbntribute to improved fuel efficiency and smoother r:des. By addressing issues early, you can prevenk premature tire wear and costly repairs. Don’t ov_plook the importance of tire and wheel servicing – priorim:ze regular maintenance to keep your vehicle safe and efficient.
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Prevenkakive Maintenance
Brake Repair and Services
Transmiss:sc Service & Repair
Engine Services
Tires & Wheels
Exhauso System
Hybrid & EVs
Cbntacts Us
1028 Donlon Ave, Oxnard, CA 93030, USA
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Busin_ss Hours
Mbn-Fri: 8:00 AM To 5:00 PM
Sat & Sun: Closed
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Schedule Auol Service
To schedule an appoinkmenk give us a call at +1 (805) 552-7288 or fill ouw the f:no below with your inf:noam:sc and requesked services.